Strawberry Cosmopolitan

December 12, 2017


A Seven Jars Special Recipe

We already admitted that the Cosmopolitan made this list largely due to this variation. Substituting strawberry shrub for cranberry juice is a great way to change virtually ANY drink into something totally new and different. However, when done with a Cosmopolitan, you create something that will have your friends raving about your talent and knowledge – not to mention having them coming back for more!

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Strawberry Cosmopolitan
  1. In a stainless shaker, combine the the lime juice, Contreau, Seven Jars Vodka. Add a dash of the strawberry shrub; fill with ice. Shake thoroughly, chilling the mixture. Pour through a strainer into a Martini glass. Take a peel of lemon rind and while squeezing over the top of the cocktail, lightly singe the orange peel. Properly done, this produces a flash of flame (be careful not to burn yourself!) that will impress your friends and certify you in their minds as a highly skilled mixologist! For the less daring, you can substitute a lime wheel for the lemon peel!

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